Clinton Community Forest Limited History
The Village of Clinton started down a long road to establish a Community Forest in 2010, which would be a five-year struggle. The Ministry of Forests provided a letter of invitation to proceed with the establishment of the Community Forest in 2010 and the 2011 municipal election resulted in a new Council and a renewed vigour to complete the Community Forest Application. The Community Forest Committee worked with the community to ensure awareness and ongoing support for the community forest. Letters of support came in from many non-profit groups and community meetings were held to gather further support.
First Nations Bands from the area were all notified of the application for a Community Forest, as were all the trappers, range holders and local businesses that may have been impacted. A meeting with the Ministry of Forests in 2012 provided further support and the review process with the First Nations was finalized.
The Ministry of Forests in 100 Mile House assisted with the original mapping, outlining potential Community Forest boundaries. The application for the Community Forest was then delayed to make changes to the mapping and gather the information required by the Ministry. A further delay was created as the Village of Clinton was required to establish the incorporation papers for the Community Forest prior to the approval of the application. The application was finally submitted at the end of 2012 and further consultation continued with the Ministry of Forests to have the application approved.
The Clinton Community Forest was officially invited to apply for a Community Forest License in 2011 by the Executive Director of the Southern Interior Forest Region. The Community Forest Application was officially Approved on April 28, 2014 by the Executive Director of the Cariboo Region. Harvesting began in 2015 and by 2017 the Clinton Community Forest was able to establish an operating reserve and begin giving back to the Community of Clinton, the surrounding area and the Village of Clinton.