Our Guiding Principles
The Community Forest will be guided by the following statements of goals and principles in the stewardship and management objectives for the Community Forest:
- Respect First Nations’ access to their traditional lands;
- Preservation of, and improvement to, the quality of life enjoyed by residents. The Community Forest tenure will allow forest-based decisions to be made putting equal weight on the social, economical and ecological factors specific to the region;
- Good forestry practices to ensure long term availability of raw material for all local users of the resource;
- Comply with all Acts and Regulations that govern forest management;
- Planning and decision making will utilize all available “best practices”;
- Reduce dependency on volatile commodity markets for residents, by implementing a sound management plan geared to the needs of local forest users, creating a more stable local economy;
- Ensure profits generated stay in the community for the benefit of all citizens in the area. A successful Community Forest tenure should relieve some of the tax burden experienced by the rural community serving a large trading area, and will generate capital for recreation, arts and culture;
- A multi-use approach will be taken to respect recreational and other existing uses of Crown Land;
- The CFA will allow exposure to the local youth to education aspects of forestry via improved employment opportunities;
- Objectives and strategies will be consistent with the Cariboo-Chilcotin Land Use Plan and other higher level plans;
- All other users within the tenure will be encouraged to participate in an effective manner;
- Applicable fees payable to the Crown will be managed in a fiscally responsible fashion and submitted as required. The administration and management of business will be done professionally and efficiently;
- The management principles will respect social and environmental values; and
- Appropriate conflict resolution measures will be used when conflict arises.