Clinton Community Forest Forest Stewardship Plan
A Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) is a legal document, required by Ministry of Forestry sector of the British Colombian Government, which outlines how a licensee will manage all the resources within their tenured forest area. The FSP shows areas on a map where a forest licensee may carry out forest development activities over a period of up to five (5) years. The areas included in the FSP are called Forest Development Units (FDUs). This includes where timber will be harvested and where roads will be built. The plan also outlines strategies and desired results for conserving and protecting 11 forest values including: soil, timber, wildlife, fish, water, biodiversity, cultural heritage resources, resource features, recreation resources, visual quality, forage and associated plant communities. These strategies must be consistent with government objectives for forest values and must be measureable and verifiable.
In January 2004, the Government of British Columbia changed how forest management plans are developed and approved. Under the Forest and Range Practices Act, forest licensees must have authorization from the government before they can harvest timber or build roads on Crown land. Forest licensees first submit a FSP to the government for approval. Once approved, the licensee can apply for site level permits and authorizations to harvest timber or build roads.
See below for a copy of the Clinton Community Forest’s approved Forest Stewardship Plan.